Adjectives. Describing what something is made of and what something is like.

 *Describing what something is made of:

* Some nouns can be used like adjectives.

For example:

*If you have a chair that is made of plastic, you can use the noun plastic as an adjective and say that the chair is a plastic chair.


*If you have a watch that is made of gold, you can say it is a gold watch.


*But the nouns wood and wool cant be used like this. To make adjectives of this nouns you have to add en.


Noun / adjective / Example

Wood / Wooden / A wooden door.


Wool / Woolen / A woolen jumper



1-          A plastic chair

2-          A diamond ring

3-          A leather skirt

4-          A woolen purse

5-          A denim dress

6-          A Glass cup

7-          A metal bed

8-           A tutu dress

9-          A plastic pencil

10- A redsuede dress


2- Describing What something is like:

There is another way to make adjectives from nouns. Suppose you want to say that something is like certain material, although not made of it.


*To make this adjective, add -En to some nouns and -Y to other Nouns.

Noun / adjective / Example:

1-          Gold      Golden       A golden sunrise:                                                     Bright yellow like gold.


2-          Silk        Silky/Silken        A silky skin: A soft skin.


3-          Lead   Leaden    A leaden sky: Dark gray like the color of lead.


4-          Exercise’s grammar:


1-          Fill in the blank space with adjectives made from verbs in parentheses. Remember that both present participle and past participle can be used as an adjective. Choose the adjective that suits the sentence best. The first one has been done for you.


1-          It wasn’t a very- interesting. (interest) Movie.

2-          We could hear-----------(Excite) fans screaming.

3-          I hope the pupils don’t think that my classes are----------(Bore).



4-          My Dad had a very-------- (worry) look on his face.


5-          Have the police found the ------ (Steal) car yet?


6-          The supermarket sells a lot of---------- (freeze) Food.


7-          The players on the---------(win) team don’t look tired at all.


8-          Some of the old houses had----------- (break) Windows.



·    Put a video in YouTube of the adjectives:

what something is made of and what something is like.

make examples and sentences.





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