Demostrative pronouns.

 Demostrative pronouns:

Demostrative pronouns are used for pointing out things. The word THIS, THAT, THESE and THOSE are demostrative pronouns. THIS AND THAT ARE FOR SINGULAR DEMOSTRATIVE PRONOUNS AND THESE AND THOSE ARE FOR PLURAL DEMOSTRATIVE PRONOUNS:


1- THIS is my desk.

2- THIS is the Mings House.

3- THAT is my Friends House.


5- You will have to work harder than THIS.

6- We can do better that THAT.

7- Its raining again! THIS is awful!.

8- Who is THAT knocking at the Door?.

9- Hi kathleen.  THIS is michael.

10- THESE are my pets.

11- THESE are sheeps but THOSE are goats.

12-THOSE are horses.


* use THIS and THESE when you are talking about things NEAR YOU.

*Use THAT AND THOSE When you are talking About things FARTHER AWAY.



Read the following passage. Write the missing DEMOSTRATIVE PRONOUNS in the Blank space.

Henry and I went for a walk on the beach. " What is---------- Over there?" I asked.

"it looks like broken glass," Said Henry. He gave me a bag. "put it in---------," He said. I put the broken glass into the bag. we would better put------------- in the trash," I said . He took the bag From me. " you have to hold it like ------------," So that you dont cut your hand".

* Put a video in youtube to show the demostrative pronouns. 


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